Lamy x Journey Book and my next travel plans


To travel means to live. I have always loved traveling like crazy and since it has become such a big part of my life, I have tried to find new ways of keeping travel memories. When I was a child, I always made scrapbooks, writing texts and printing out pictures. Today I still note down everything in diaries, which I re-read whenever I can. When I heard of Lamy and JourneyBooks, I got a little excited, because I really love the concept, the design and the idea behind them. There are JourneyBooks for Australia, New Zealand, the USA, Canada, Africa, Ireland, Iceland, Scandinavia, Thailand, Indonesia, South and Middle America.


In times of computers, social media and smartphones people tend to write down everything digitally: digital messages or a digital photo album have become totally normal, right? But to be honest, I love to have real, physical memories of my journeys. I also love to write down things. Isn’t a hand written text way more personal than one written on your computer? Isn’t an album with printed photos, one that you can hold in your hands, a way better memory? Besides that I love good writing implements, the ones you write super softly with. By the way, honestly.. Lamy has been my favorite ever since I got my first Lamy pen in the first grade. Back then it was red, today I prefer the classy black ones.

In my opinion our hand writing can tell so much about us, it can even convey a feeling. When we’re in a hurry, our hand writing differs from when we are not. When we’re nervous, we write differently than when we’re totally calm and when we’re happy our handwriting will differ a little from the one we have, when we’re sad.

Re-reading texts I wrote while sitting on the beach in Miami or at a pool in Key West in one of my travel dairies really takes me back, I can exactly feel what I felt being there and this truly makes me happy. What do you guys think about writing down your memories in journey books? Do you also do that?

By the way, I promised to tell you guys more about this year’s travel plans. My next trips will be to the Côte d’Azur and to Paris. A journey I am really excited about is one to Abu Dhabi and Dubai in fall, since I always had wanted to go there. Seriously, I am so excited for this one! Afterwards my boyfriend and me are going on a road trip through Italy, starting in Milan and I hope we will also pay Rome (my favorite city in this world) and Lake Como and Lake Garda a visit. Of course I will go back to the US as soon as possible, since I already miss it. And yes, I will keep all of these memories in my JourneyBook with Lamy. What are your personal travel plans? I can’t wait to hear about them! xx, Anna


In liebevoller Zusammenarbeit mit Lamy und Journey Books (sponsored Post).



4 Einträge zu „Lamy x Journey Book and my next travel plans

  • Ohh wie lange habe ich nichts von Lamy gehört. War mein erster Füller den ich je hatte. ❤ Ich führe auch so ein Buch – allerdings digital. 🙂
    Ganz tolle Eindrücke und schöner Blogpost!
    Liebst, Leni

    Gefällt mirGefällt 1 Person

  • Wundervolle Fotos Liebes ❤
    Deine Pläne hören sich echt interessant an 🙂

    Liebe Grüße, Caro :*

    Gefällt mirGefällt 1 Person


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