Nescafé Dolce Gusto Event: My Coffee Style


Shortly after coming back from my trip to the US, I had a special date with Nescafé Dolce Gusto in Frankfurt. As you guys maybe already know, they make my favorite coffee in this world (and in case that you don’t know their Chococcino Caramel yet, you definitely have to try it!). The reason why I went to Frankfurt with Nescafé was a very special ‚My Coffee Style‘ workshop where we learned how to arrange flatlays. When taking a picture of a good flatlay, you always have to consider background, colors, color combinations, the products, the focus, light and exposure and the way of editing.


Of course the focus in general was on coffee tables and it was really nice to see how differently all bloggers did theirs. By the way, we had a great time with the girls: chatting, snacking, drinking coffee and taking plenty of pictures!

Focus: For my flatlay I chose the Nescafé Dolce Gusto Grande as my main focus (it is one of my favoites). The yellow packaging kind of reminded me of yellow parasoles in Miami, so I took some matching accessories, like the yellow sunnies, the lemons and the napkins.

Background: Right when I entered the location of the Nescafé Dolce Gusto Event, I fell in love with this beautiful wooden table. Well… here is a little advice when it comes to flatlays: always use several levels to make a picture look more vivid. My first level is my floor with the little colorful carpet, the second one is the white chair with my purse and the last and most important one is the table with the flatlay itself.

Colors and color combiation: Yellow, light brown, blue and black are the main colors for this flatlay. The accents of yellow and blue were in my main focus.

Light and exposure: During our workshop we learned a lot about both of them. Basically daylight helps you most for creating a good flatlay. Besides that the exposure time settings in your camera should always be adjusted or you could help yourself with some little tricks for creating more light in a picture, such as editing. Talking about editing, I usually edit every picture individually first and afterwards I use the VSCO Cam.

I had a wonderful and fun time with Nescafé and the girls – and now I even know a little more about taking pictures of flatlays. xx, Anna


In liebevoller Zusammenarbeit mit Nescafé Dolce Gusto (sponsored Post).

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